All setups and configurations from scratch to your first sale.
Starts At
- Setup your self-hosted server
- Google Analytics & Tag Manager
- Creation CMS Pages
Starter plus:
Transform your online presence with our comprehensive suite of services, from custom themes to mobile applications, and unleash the full potential of your business.
Get in touch
- Custom Theme
- Technical SEO
- Migration into Shopware
- Promotion, Banner and Notification Marketing
- Newsletter Marketing
- Stock and Price Marketing
- Cross-Selling Optimization
- Performance Optimization
- Business requirements
- Mobile Application
Starter plus:
First steps to data oriented marketing. Plan, implement, evaluate and manage your marketing with data.
Starts At
- Google Analytics & Tag Manager
- Google Shopping Merchant Integration
- Promotion, Banner and Notification Marketing
- Newsletter Marketing
- Stock and Price Marketing
- Cross-Selling Optimization
Starter plus: